29 Haziran 2024 Cumartesi

"Beat & Release": Wife's "Suicide" Got Big "Assist" From Hubby, in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 29 June 2024)

            He told her in parting "I'm here to help."

On 24 April 2022, Yalçın Narman, a worker at a textile firm in the 
Fatih district of Istanbul, called police to report that his wife Fatma
Narman (21) had committed suicide.  When police arrived at the
home they found Fatma hanım's body lying at the entrance to the
bedroom with gunshot wounds in her hip and chest. (!)

Yalçın bey "explained" to police that "when I came home I found
my wife lying wounded at the bedroom door and I saw that her
revolver was by her side.  In a panic, I grabbed the gun and put it
in a drawer."  Needless to say, the police were suspicious about
Fatma hanım having shot herself (!) in the hip and chest and Yalçin
bey's action in hiding the gun. 

Further investigation revealed that there were no gunpowder burns
on Fatma hanım's clothing, indicating that the bullets had entered
her body from a distance.  This analysis prompted Yalçın bey to
change his story and admit that "there was an accident".  He added
that he was regretful and that "I had no reason to kill my wife."  

In any event, Yalçın bey was sentenced to life in prison.  His brother
Bahattin Narman was acquitted of any involvement. 

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