6 Haziran 2024 Perşembe

"Buoy Releases": Four People Fell Asleep on a Buoy That Drifted Out to Sea, in Yalova

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 6 June 2024)

        Won't you let me take you on a sea cruise?

set to music this woke them up

In Yalova, four people fell asleep on a buoy that broke free from its
moorings, stranding them in the open waters of the Sea of Marmara (!).
The four were rescued by the Turkish Coast Guard. 

The evening before last, on the shore at Çiftlikköy the four individuals
went in for a swim and climbed onto the buoy.  However (!), they all
fell asleep on the buoy, which broke free and drifted out to sea.  When
they awoke they called for help on their cellphones and the Coast Guard
responded.  Their health conditions are said to be good. 

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