26 Temmuz 2024 Cuma

"Beached and Release": Mysterious "Self-Drive" Jet-Ski Beaches Itself on Istanbul's Black Sea Shore

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 26 July 2024)

self-drive riders beware!

            Probably just a sea-taxi with a software hiccup. 

A "self-drive" automated sea vessel of unknown origin, but thought to be
used for human trafficking, beached itself on Istanbul's Çatalca shore. The
incident occurred at about noon yesterday at Akalan village when 
lifeguards on the beach spotted the "jet-ski"-type vessel. 

The lifeguards alerted the Gendarmerie and security measures were taken
around the vessel's perimeter.  The Coast Guard quickly sent an 
immigration control team to the site.  The vessel is 3 meters long, one
meter wide and was thought to have come from the northern part of 
the Black Sea.  An "S.A.S." (underwater defense group) team arrived
at Yalıköy to secure the vessel.

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