2 Temmuz 2024 Salı

"Beat & Release": Woman Pleads for Help Against "Unrestrained" Maniacal Hubby, in Adana

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 2 July 2024)

                                        Spare the rod...please!

In Seyhan district of Adana, Fadime D. (44) eloped with Ali D. (47)
25 years ago.  However (!), from day one Ali D. subjected Fadime
hanım to physical and psychological brutality, never worked a day and
relied on Fadime hanım, who worked at odd jobs, to provide sustenance 
for the family.

In May, Ali D. brought a hunting rifle to their house and threatened to 
kill Fadime hanım and their children.  Police came and put Ali D. in jail
for the night, while a judge issued a restraining order against him.  On 
20 June Fadime hanım sued for divorce.  Four days later Ali D. learned
of this development, came to the house when no one was there and
proceeded to smash everything, to include appliances, doors windows
and even solar panels, with a metal rod. (!)

When Fadime hanım came home and found the house in ruins she 
filed a police complaint, saying in exasperation: "I tried to divorce him
many times before but someone always intervened. I managed despite
his blows and curses. But when he brought the gun I really started to 
get frightened.  My eldest son is in his last year at university.  With 
great difficulty, I raised him and put him through school.  I don't want
to see him die in front of me.  Please! Someone help me! He's calling
my bosses and threatening them so they'll fire me.  After I filed the
divorce suit he really went off the rails.  Right now he's roaming the
streets freely. I'm pleading! Save me!"

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