25 Temmuz 2024 Perşembe

"Beat & Release": Putting Illegal Migrant in Trunk Costs Smugglers a Few More Years in Jail

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 25 July 2024)

                              Baggage class travel.

On 23 March in Reyhanlı district of Hatay province a car driven by Ahmet
Sert fled a police checkpoint but was stopped and an illegal migrant 
emerged from the trunk of the car.  Syrian Abdulsettar el Hamit had paid
Sert and Salih Kılıç $1,700 to smuggle him to Antalya.  

In his statement, Sert "explained" that the car belonged to his uncle; that
they picked up a hitchhiker not realizing he was a migrant (!); and put the
hitchhiker in the trunk in a panic when they saw the police.  Nevertheless, 
the court convicted Sert and Kılıç to 5 years in prison for human 
trafficking.  However (!), the court also ruled that putting el Hamit in the
trunk was an insult to his honor so the sentences were increased to 9 years
4 months and 15 days.  

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