24 Temmuz 2024 Çarşamba

"Beat & Release": This "Gypsy President" Would Be A Great Tyrant, in Muğla

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 24 July 2024)

Central casting couldn't find a better fit. He's got "the look".

In Muğla, Soner Başkan (50, whose surname means "president" or 
"chief") was jailed for tying a rope to the neck and feet of his wife
M.B. (71!) and then beating her.  In his statement to police, Başkan
"explained" that his wife hid his medicine and would not give it to
him, derisively calling him "gypsy", as well:

"When she insulted me by calling me 'gypsy' I got angry so I slapped 
her face three times.  Next, I sat her on the couch in the living room 
downstairs, tied her up with rope and cables and secured the ends by 
tying them to the safe and the staircase banister.  Then I sat opposite 
her and smoked a cigarette while I watched her suffer.  She wanted 
food and water but I didn't give her either.  When she asked for a 
cigarette I flicked my butt in front of her." (!) 

Başkan left the house but when he returned the Gendarmerie had 
arrived - she had alerted them to her situation with a phone app 
(KADES).  Başkan expressed no regrets, though, saying that his
wife had provoked him.  He accepted the charges leveled against 
him - "kidnapping" and "wounding".  

Soner bey wants to join this exclusive club.

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