18 Temmuz 2024 Perşembe

"Beat & Release": TV Repairman Brings the Hammer Down, in Nazilli

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 18 July 2024)

      Sometimes it's better to miss your favorite TV show.

In Nazilli district of Aydın province the evening before last at about
eight-thirty, TV repairman Mehmet G. (46) went to the two-story home
of Hulusi Duran (65) to fix the TV.   However (!), an argument erupted
between the two, prompting Mehmet G. to smack Hulusi bey in the
head and chest with his hammer.  When Hulusi bey's wife Nakşiye (60),
daughter Hatice G. (37) and granddaughter Beyza (6) intervened Mehmet
G. smacked each of them on their heads with his hammer. 

Neighbors heard the commotion and called the Gendarmerie.  Meanwhile,
some other neighbors nabbed Mehmet G. as he was trying to flee.  Hulusi
bey's skull and chestbone were fractured and Nakşiye hanım and little
Beyza suffered bleeding in their brains from the hammer blows.  Hatice
hanım was in good condition.  Mehmet G. was taken into custody by the

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