13 Temmuz 2024 Cumartesi

"Fleece & Release": Social Media Phenom Arrested, Hubby Throws Her "Under the Bus", in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 13 July 2024)

                                 The crying game.

In the scope of an investigation into social media phenoms by the public
prosecutor in Küçükçekmece, Istanbul, 65 suspects were rounded up, 
including Neslim and İnanç Güngen, and charged with a laundry list
of financial crimes. 

When Neslim hanım emerged from the police station after being charged
she was smiling and waving her long hair around.  However (!), coming
off the police bus at the courthouse she was crying.  She declared that 
 "everything we did was transparent! Any government agency can come
and examine our operations."

Her husband İnanç Güngen, though, threw Neslim hanım "under the bus",
so to speak, saying "I produced the devices but Neslim handled all the 
paperwork, telling me she'd registered with the Health Ministry.  The
company is in my name but Neslim took care of everything." (!)

Workers at their company gave statements to the police about fake
receipts, harmful cosmetics and medicines with deadly side effects.
The workers claimed they warned Neslim hanım about this but she
made them sell the products anyway.  In total 17 suspects were sent to
court with a request that they be jailed. 

The unhappy couple in happier days...


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