8 Temmuz 2024 Pazartesi

"Beat & Release": Somali Businessman Mugged by Clumsy "Beestone" Cops, in Ankara

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 8 July 2024)

                                    Bees get stung.

Somali businessman Mohamed Shara Ali, who has a logistics company
in the Kızılay section of Ankara, left his office on 5 December 2023 en
route to a bank to deposit $140,000.  While walking on the street Ali
encountered Somali friend Abdiqadir Hassan and asked him to carry
$20,000 wrapped in a piece of paper because the money was bulging
from his own pocket and attracting attention. 

However (!), as they passed by the Ankara police station, policeman 
Ömer Arı (whose surname means "bee") and his friend Mükail Aydoğan, 
a parking lot attendant whom Arı had wear a police uniform (!), cut 
them off.   Arı demanded that the two Somalis show their IDs and 
then told them he would have them taken to "İl Göç" (Turkish 
immigration bureau).  He then searched the two and found the cash
they were carrying. Arı demanded the money but Ali resisted,
prompting Arı to say "hey, don't you trust the Turkish police?!".
He then slapped Ali, who surrendered the $140,000. 

Following Ali's complaint to other police officials, Arı, his brother-
in-law/relative Batuhan Arı, and Mükail Aydoğan were arrested. In
court, the three were charged with crimes with jail terms ranging 
from 15 to 21 years.  In his statement, Ömer Arı "explained" that
Batuhan Arı, who worked at Ali's company, had told him a month
earlier that Ali had a lot of "dırty money".  To aid in the trap Ömer
Arı enlisted his childhood friend Aydoğan.  They then waited for
Ali, threatened him with arrest and took his cash, splitting it three

As for Batuhan Arı, he saw things differently: "I reject the charges
against me!  Although I've known Ömer Arı for 15 years, on the 
day of the incident I couldn't see his face nor could I recognize
his voice.  Ömer and Mükail are trying to pin the crime on me!" (!)

The first court hearing of the case occurred on 4 June and Judge
Hasan Şatır decided to keep all three in jail until the next hearing.

"Beestone"'s inspiration.

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