19 Temmuz 2024 Cuma

"Beat & Release": Nearly Blind Pregnant Woman "Dives" Into Open Sewer Hole, in Samsun

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 19 July 2024)

                       Not the diving they had in mind.

In Atakum district of Samsun province the day before yesterday, while
walking along the street with her sight-impaired husband Emrah Dalgıç
(whose surname means "diver"), Gülderen Durna Dalgıç, who is also
sight-impaired, fell into a sewer opening because the cover had been 
removed. (!) 

As Emrah bey tried to rescue his wife, he hit his head on the ground.
Workers came to the aid of both of them and extracted Gülderen Durna
hanım from the open sewer.  They were both taken to Ondokuz Mayıs
University Medical School Hospital for treatment. 

Emrah bey was released from the hospital that same evening. Gülderen
Durna hanım, who is pregnant, remained there for observation.  The
couple filed a complaint against the fırm that left the sewer cover off.

Emrah bey, who lost his sight in a traffic accident 10 years ago, 
related that "my wife put her cane down to the right but when she
stepped to her left she fell in the sewer.  I held on to her but fell and
smacked my head on the ground.  The workers came and wondered
why we had walked that way, since they had put warning cones around
the open sewer. I told them we were both sight-impaired.  In any case,
they helped to get my wife out of the hole.  These kinds of incidents 
happen a lot in our country.  Does someone have to die before they get
fixed?! I am going to pursue this case to the end!"

With regard to the couple's unborn child, Emrah bey said "They're 
listening to the baby's heartbeat, which is diminishing.  There may 
need to be a cesarian operation.  We're fearful. I just want my wife's
and my child's health to return to normal."

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