11 Temmuz 2024 Perşembe

"Fleece & Release": Florentina's Sleight-of-Hand Dupes Realtor Out of 400K Euros, in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 10 July 2024)

             They don't know each other...yeah, right.

English citizen Florentina G. called M.G., a realtor in Istanbul, saying that 
she wanted to buy a luxury home for her company and would share the 
800,000 Euro commission with M.G.  Florentina told him that "I'll arrange
the sale but I want to see that you have that amount of money."  She then
came to Istanbul and in M.G.'s office, with sleight-of-hand, she switched 
the Euro-fillled envelope he gave her with Iranian riyals and fled to Paris (!).

It happened this way: in Kağıthane, Istanbul, M.G. put an add out to sell
a luxury flat for 3.2 million Euros.  A few days later,  Florentina called him
from England, saying she wanted to buy the flat for her company and
adding that they ought to show the flat's value as 4 million Euros and 
split the 800,000 Euro commission.  

On the morning of 3 July, Florentina arrived in Istanbul from London 
with her co-conspirator and lover Romanian Gianı Nicosur S.  However,
the two pretended not to know each other and boarded separate taxis at
the airport.  In Kağıthane at M.G.'s office, Florentina took the envelope
M.G. gave her containing 400,000 Euros, checked it and put it in her bag. 
She then took "it" out again, gave it to M.G. and left his office.

However (!), when M.G. subsequently opened the envelope he found to
his shock and dismay that it was filled with Iranian riyals, rather than
Euros, worth about 5,000 TL (about $150).  

Police reviewed camera images in an effort to track down Florentina.
They discovered that after leaving M.G.'s office she went to the Covered
Bazaar and bought a new outfit for herself to change her appearance.  
Next, Florentina sat in a restaurant in Aksaray and got up and went to the 
bathroom, followed by Gianı Nicosur S.  About 30 seconds later, the
two emerged from the bathroom but, again, pretended not to know each

At the airport, police were able to nab Gianı Nicosur S. with a portion
of M.G.'s Euros as he was boarding a flight to Munich.  As for Florentina,
though, she was able to flee on a flight to Paris.  In his statement to police
Gianı Nicosur S. claimed that he didn't know Florentina before coming to
Istanbul and that they met during a one-night stand (!).  He also claimed
that the money found on him was his own.  Police are pursuing Florentina
and any other co-conspirators in Turkey. 

Another innocent victim of a one-night stand.

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