11 Ekim 2023 Çarşamba

"Beat & Release": Hired Goons Threaten Family to Rescind Complaint, in Adana

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 11 October 2023)

       Complexions all the same...must be in the genes. 

In Yüreğir district of Adana, A.K. (31), a tire repairman and father of 5 
children,  was shot in the leg two years ago by Y.Y.  As a result, A.K.'s
veins were damaged and replaced by artificial veins.  Y.Y. was arrested
but his family began to threaten A.K. and his wife H.K. (30) to get them
to rescind the criminal complaint against Y.Y.  

When A.K. refused to rescind the complaint, Y.Y.'s family sent goons to
A.K.'s house and on 1 October they beat his mother Z.K.  Then, on 7
October, 2 goons on motorcycles did a drive-by shooting that resulted
in A.K.'s son M.K. (8) being shot in his groin area.  His mother H.K.
barely escaped being shot. 

H.K. lamented that despite the police complaint, attacks on her and her
family by Y.Y.'s family and their goons continue.  She said "they sent
us this threatening message: 'none of your children will be spared. We
will finish the job!'.  I want these people arrested before another one
of my children is murdered!"

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