7 Ekim 2023 Cumartesi

"Beat & Release": Twins Have Two Different Dads - It's a Medical Rarity Called "Superfetation"

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 7 October 2023)

                                 One dad is missing.

Turkey was amazed to hear that there were two different fathers of a pair
of twins.  Specialists who spoke to Hürriyet said this is called 
"superfetation" and said that it is a very rare occurrence.  

Betül Yurulmaz, who was on Esra Erol's TV program aired on the ATV 
channel, said that her husband Veysel Yurulmaz cheated on her and that
his girlfriend Özge Çelik gave birth to twins.  Betül hanım wanted a
divorce and insisted that Veysel bey and Özge hanım get DNA tests
vis-a-vis the twins to confirm that Veysel bey is their father.  But it
turned out from the DNA tests that Veysel bey is the father of just one
of the twins (!). 

In any case, Betül hanım and Veysel bey got divorced but as they left
the courthouse Betül hanım screamed at Özge hanım: "this is what
happens to a homewrecker! Who's the father of the other child Özge
hanım?!"  (no answer noted).

Hürriyet asked specialists about superfetation and they said that there
are only about 10 or 15 incidents recorded in medical literature.  They
added that "normally, during her period a woman leaves one egg and
if she becomes pregnant then a hormonal mechanism kicks in and 
stops any more fertilization.  But with superfetation, if the woman has
intercourse again with another partner in 12-24 hours she can get 
pregnant again." 

Twins will need special counseling for Father's Day.

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