4 Mart 2020 Çarşamba

"El Clasico" Gets an Expensive Turkish Hair Transplant

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Milliyet Newspaper, 4 March 2020)

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             If you have to ask how much, look away...

An advertisement for Turkish Dr. Serkan Aygın's hair-transplant clinic
on panels along the side of the field where the world's most famous
football match "El Clasico" was played on Sunday, 1 March, in
Santiago Bernabéu Stadium, has attracted a lot of attention.

Ticket prices for the match reached 3,000 Euros and more than 2.5
billion (!) people around the world followed the action on TV, seeing
Real Madrid beat Barcelona by a score of 2-0. 

Famous sports jounalist Gabriele Marcotti remarked as follows on

"Never knew there was so much money in men’s hair... biggest
game in the world and the Turkish hair transplant doc can afford
to buy pitch side advertising..." (!)

serkan aygın ile ilgili görsel sonucu

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