27 Mart 2020 Cuma

TNT Coronavirus Edition: Istanbul Burials - NIMBY!* & Turk Villages in Greece Quarantined

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Milliyet Newspaper, 27 March 2020)

* Not In My Backyard

Beykoz'da "korona virüs mezarlığı" tartışması
                              Backhoes in the backyard.

With regard to the coronavirus outbreak, based on the recommendations
of the Science Council and Religious Affairs Ministry, two burial sites
were identified for Istanbul on the European and Anatolian sides of the
city, at Kilyos and Beykoz, respectively. 

Victims of the illness have begun to be buried at the Baklaca Cemetery
near the Çavuşbaşı Baklacı neighborhood in Beykoz.  However, local
residents have objected, as explained by Abdurrahman Öz: "the Istanbul
municipality had designated Çavuşbaşı as a burial site but this is a
residential area, with schools.  The cemetery is right on the other side
of the main street.  Why would you bury people in a neighborhood?!
If there wasn't a danger they wouldn't bury these people here."

Police had to be called to the cemetery to disperse an angry crowd of
local residents and then took up guard positions at the entrance, while
backhoes worked in the rear, wooded area of the cemetery.

Ulaşım « Boğaziçi Simas Konakları
Kilyos, at top, on Istanbul's European side and Beykoz, at 
right, on the Anatolian side.


türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Sözcü Newspaper, 27 March 2020)

Yunanistan'da Türk köyü karantinaya alındı - Deniz Haber-Kaptan ...
                               Looks idyllic, doesn't it?

Coronavirus panic is sweeping through the area of Greece around
İskeçe (Xanthi) in western Thrace, where Turks are concentrated. 
The Turkish villages of Miki and Şahin in the Mustafçova region have
been put under quarantine after 4 cases of the illness were identified.

A 77-year-old male in Miki village has died.  The coronavirus
incidents are said to have occurred after local residents working in
Europe returned from there to their home villages.  Residents have
been ordered to stay at home for 14 days and medicine and food
are being distributed to their homes.

                                        Xanthi (İskeçe)

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