31 Mart 2020 Salı

TNT Coronavirus Edition: Golden Opportunity Missed

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 31 March 2020)

Koronavirüs soyguncuları Kapalıçarşı'ya dadandı!

Two thieves lowered themselves from the roof  by rope into a jewelry
store in the 'Kapalı Çarşı' (Covered Bazaar) in Istanbul, put 4.5
kilograms of gold into bags and escaped, again via the roof.  The
Kapalı Çarşı has been shut down because of the coronavirus outbreak.

Yesterday at 2 o'clock in the morning, security guards monitoring
screens in their office noticed the robbery and called police, who
arrived on the scene, went up on the roof and gave chase to the
thieves.  During the pursuit, the robbers dropped their gold-filled
bags (!) and fled in the car they had come in.  Police will return all
of the 4.5 kilograms of gold to the jeweler.

007 James Bond Skyfall - Kapalı Çarşı Sahnesi - YouTube
  Police face-recognition experts are studying this footage in
an effort to identify the robbers.

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