4 Nisan 2020 Cumartesi

TNT Coronavirus Edition: EMT, Covid-19 Symptomatic, Told to Work Anyway

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Cumhuriyet Newspaper, 4 April 2020)

Koronalı 112 Acil Servis teknikeri 2 gün boyunca hasta taşıdı

In Suluova district of Amasya province, H.D., who works as a medical
technician in '112 Emergency Service' (an EMT/911) rescue vehicles
transporting sick people and being their first-responder, came down
with the coronavirus. 

H.D.'s union's chief Şemsettin Dümen explained that "his boss, the
chief doctor (!), said 'Are we supposed to let anyone who coughs go on
leave?!'  So she wouldn't let H.D. go into isolation and sent him back
to work the next day.  This is a health scandal.  Our friend H.D. has
tested positive for Covid-19 and yet he was made to work, putting
patients in his ambulance and his co-workers at risk."

Amasya'da büyük skandal! Testi pozitif çıkan sağlık emekçisi zorla ...

On 28 March, H.D. began coughing and complaining of headaches
and lethargy, so on 30 March he went to the hospital and got a lung
graphic, tomography and blood test, all of which were 'normal'.  A
swab test in his nose was taken, with the results said to be available
in two days.

H.D. related his health situation to his 112 Emergency Service boss,
who in turn informed the chief doctor, Nilüfer Tali, who said "if he
(H.D.) really feels bad let him get a report but if the tomography is
clean send him back to work."  Consequently, for two days H.D.
continued working with sick people in the ambulance and, of
course, with his co-workers.

When the Covid-19 test result came out 'positive', H.D. went into
isolation at home.  But as union boss Dümen said, "there are many
people who have the virus but show no symptoms. These 'supercarriers'
continue to spread it to others. So here we have a health worker who
shows symptoms and yet the chief doctor doesn't realize the danger?!
Now H.D. and the nurse and driver he worked with are in isolation,
while the rest of the crew continue to work, even though they may
be infected, too.  Who is responsible for this?!"

Suluova nerededir nereye bağlıdır? Suluova hangi ilin ilçesidir ...

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