29 Ağustos 2020 Cumartesi

'Philanthropic' Brothers Divert 'Red Crescent' Meat to Their Hotel in Bitlis

türkçe  links to original Turkish article

Cumhuriyet Newspaper, 29 August 2020

Türk Kızılayı'na ait etler AKP'li vekilin otelinden çıktı!

"Hmmm, I didn't see this on the hotel restaurant

The scandalous incident occurred in Bitlis.  Cans of preserved meat,
intended for distribution to the poor by Kızılay (Turkish Red Crescent
aid organization), have been found in the kitchen of the hotel jointly
owned by AKP (ruling party) Parliamentarian Cemal Taşar and his 
brother Battal Taşar, who is the head of the Kızılay office in Tatvan (!).

Pictures of the Kızılay canned meat in the hotel kitchen refrigerator
on social media sparked outrage.  Sinan Aygül, the chief editor of the
local Bitlis News internet site, noted that 'kıyma' (ground meat), 
'kavurma' (meat braised in its own fat) and 'şoklama' (fast-freezed
meat) donated to Kızılay had not been distributed to the poor and 
were instead being used by the Taşar brothers in their hotel.

For his part Parliamentarian Cemal Taşar issued a statement calling
the accusations "slander!"  Asked why the cans with the Kızılay
insignia were found in his hotel's kitchen, he avoided the question
and countered that "clearly, those behind these slander-mongers are
the sore losers who lost the 24 June and 31 March elections in our
province by a landslide."

Kızılay'ın yoksullar için hazırladığı etler, AKP'li vekilin kardeşinin  otelinde çıktı
           "Charity" (to ourselves) is our middle name.

Taşar added that "our family has been serving the nation and our
people for years and we've always been at the forefront of charitable
work.  Despite the pandemic, my brother Battal has been aiding
thousands of families - in last month's Ramazan 'iftar' (evening fast-
breaking meal) tents and by having meals brought to needy people
in their homes.  In addition, Battal made sure that Kızılay shopping
cards, clothes and food packages reached the homes of those citizens
who need them."

"The claims being made are absolute slanders, lies and fabrications!
To this day, a sinful bite of food has never passed through my
throat!  The legal process will be followed and the past and present
situations of the slander-mongers will be exposed and they will face
jail time!" 

Türkiye İl Haritaları 2

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