23 Ağustos 2020 Pazar

TNT Road Rage Edition: Rich Kid, in High 'Yield' Incident, Took 30,000 TL as 'Toll'

türkçe  links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 23 August 2020)

Çakarlı şehir eşkıyası - Haberler Hürriyet

     Suffers from terminal 'spoiledbratitis'.

In Istanbul's Hadımköy district, Dadaş Aras (28), the father of three
children who works in the packaging business, was driving along 
the Başakşehir road to deliver a 30,000 TL payment to a relative 
the evening before last.  

A luxury minibus (plate nr. 34 PMI 55) with an (illegal) VIP flasher 
and tinted windows approached Aras's pick-up from the rear  and 
wanted Aras to move out of the way.  At that  moment the road 
width didn't allow Aras to yield but when it did he moved over to 
let the minibus pass.  

However (!), the enraged minibus driver, Muhammed Enes Uysal, 
cut off Aras, got out of his vehicle and proceeded to announce that 
he was a policeman.  After cursing at Aras, who recorded the 
incident on his phone, Uysal punched Aras and then stabbed him 
six times with a knife.(!)  Uysal fled, evidently with Aras's 30,000 
TL (!), as Aras sought help from passers-by, being taken to a 
hospital where he underwent surgery and is in good condition.  

It turns out that Uysal, who is the rich son of an industrialist and
NOT a policeman, has a police record for six different crimes.  
After the incident Uysal put his luxury minibus up for sale on the 
internet but soon after he removed the advertisement and closed 
all his social media accounts.  Police found the minibus in 
Hadımköy and brought it to an impoundment lot.  Uysal is now the 
subject of an intense police search.   

Dadaş Aras Anlattı: 'Silahı vardı, polisim diyerek ehliyet istedi ...
                        What's a dad to do?

Aras explained that Uysal had said to him "'I'm a policeman! Why
didn't you move over?!' When he asked me for my license and 
registration, I wanted him to show me his police ID.  Then he took
out his gun and cursed at me, as I recorded the whole thing."  

"As I was walking back to my car, he punched me in the back of my 
head and started stabbing me.  I could see that he got into my 
pick-up and ruffled through my things.  My wallet and ID card were 
found under my pick-up but the 30,000 TL that was in the glove 
compartment was gone, evidently stolen by the attacker.  I pleaded
with him not to stab me, screaming that I had kids.  The police later
told me that the attacker has a police record and is the son of a 

Hadımköy Ataşehir Harita. Hadımköy Ataşehir Yol Haritası.
                              TNT (A), Hadımköy (B)


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