20 Mart 2021 Cumartesi

Vice-Principal Abandons Principles and Cheats on Principal Test

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 20 March 2021)

                                         What's up doc?

On Sunday, the test for principals and vice-principals of schools tied to
National Ministry of Education (MEB) was conducted in 50 provinces
and 52 test centers.  But a copying scandal occurred at the test given at
the AyselYücetürk school in Ankara.  A.B., the vice-principal of an 
elementary school in Sincan, was caught cheating during the test to
become a principal. (!)

A.B. was caught by the test proctor, who summoned the police to take
him into custody.  After giving a statement, A.B. was released but an
investigation has begun. 

In order to cheat on the test, A.B. smuggled in a cellphone secreted in 
his underwear (!).  A.B. had formed a WhatsApp group with his wife,
brother and his brother's wife called "Ahde Vefa" (all for one and one
for all).  A.B. took a photo of the test questions and sent it to the group
However (!), when the answers came back from the group A.B.'s 
cellphone rang and the proctor heard it.  

In his statement to police, A.B. explained that "the day before the test
I told my wife, brother and my brother's wife about my copying plan.
They said 'we're in!', so I set up the "Ahde Vefa" WhatsApp group and
added them.  I snuck my cellphone into the test center in my underpants.
Then I took a picture of the questions and sent it to them.  But I forgot
to put my phone on 'silent' and it rang when their response came back.
I got caught by the proctor who took my phone and then the police came."

Tough for A.B. to "face" his students on Monday Zoom.

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