türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Vatan Newspaper, 31 October 2018)
Vengeance in a nutshell: crime scene, left. Top, Halit
Arslan, right, Mehmet Ali Arslan, bottom, deceased
killer Emre Solan. Sigh...
A young man named Emre Solan (28) was gunned down
on the D-100 highway in the Ataköy section of Istanbul's
Bakırköy district the night before last. Police took suspect
Mehmet Ali Arslan into custody and determined that Solan
had killed Arslan's younger brother Halit Arslan in 2013.
In 2013, Solan and Halit Arslan, who was an actor and
model, were neighbors in Esenyurt when they had an
argument while waiting for an elevator. As a result, Solan
killed Arslan (!) and went to jail for 5 years.
The night before last, Mehmet Ali Arslan spotted Solan on
the highway, parked behind Solan's car and shot Solan in
the head with a pump-action rifle. Arslan fled toward
Okmeydanı but returned to the crime scene to watch police
activities there.
Arslan was subsequently arrested at his older sister's
residence in Beylikdüzü.

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