türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Sözcü Newspaper, 25 October 2018)

Praying in Mecca they don't suffer Kashoggi's fate.
Gürkan Topcü's "Gürkan Şef" restaurants can be found in
Istanbul, London, Dubai, Riyad and Jidde. But now 6 of
Topçu's chefs are being held hostage in Saudi Arabia (!).
The 6 chefs were sent to Saudi Arabia a year and a half
ago to work in Gürkan Şef's Mecca office.
However, after 6 months in Mecca, the chefs learned that
they are not tied to the Gürkan Şef company but rather to
a company called Cihan. Now the 6 chefs are not getting
paid nor are they allowed to leave the country.
One of them, Maaruf Türkoğlu, explained that "We're all
alone here. We told Gürkan Şef about this and were told
'I don't have any involvement in the Mecca office. I only
came for the opening. It belongs to Arabs. Figure out
something for yourselves.' As long as the company
were tied to doesn't give us permission, we can't leave
here to go back to Turkey. Saudi Arabia has a 'contract
of guarantee' system, meaning that without the
contractor's permission one cannot leave the country
and Cihan isn't letting us go. They want 30,000 TL
for each one of us. We've spoken with the Turkish
consulate and are awaiting news. We're in a difficult
Owner Topçu learned about franchising from his
McDonald's apprenticeship.
The six chefs began working at the Gürkan Şef
restaurant in Etiler, Istanbul, on 24 February 2017.
They are Maaruf Türkoğlu, Etan Dilek, Fatih Karakaya,
İsmet Sözer, Mehmet Çağala and Ahmet Enderbatur.
On 18 April 2017, the six chefs began working in the
Gürkan Şef office in Mecca.
As for Gürkan Topçu, he told Sözcü that "the Mecca
office is a franchise so it has different owners. I'm
trying to get information. I hope the matter can be
resolved in the shortest time possible."
"You'll love working here so much, your head will spin!"
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