(Milliyet Newspaper, 10 October 2018)
A Too Close for Comfort Station
A case has been opened against a 20-year Turkish officer
for 'violating someone's personal privacy' after he took
pictures of a civilian Albanian woman, who was
participating in a NATO exercise, while she was in an
adjacent port-a-potty.
A 4.5-year jail sentence has been requested from court
by the Istanbul public prosecutor in the case against
Orhan İ. (41). The NATO exercise in question occurred
last year and was hosted by the Turkish 3rd Army.
HQS Security Officer Orhan İ. went into the men's
bathroom adjacent to the women's at the NATO exercise
field. Shortly after, Rusi K. (35) the Albanian civilian
woman, entered the adjacent women's bathroom. When
Rusi K. saw a cellphone peering up at her from the
space between the adjacent port-a-potties she screamed
and ran out of the facility.
Rusi K. informed officials, who then determined from
security footage that the culprit was Orhan İ. In his
statement, Orhan İ. claimed that "I was just examining
a pool of urine on the ground." (!)
Orhan İ. revels in his new notoriety, believing
there's no such thing as bad publicity...
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