türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 29 October 2018)

Teacher Abdurrahman Ali's final resting place.
In Güngören district of Istanbul, at the Tamer Örme
(knitting) textile workshop on 22 February 2017,
Syrian refugee Abdurrahman Ali (29) got his hand caught
in a machine at 3 o'clock in the morning and he died as
his scalp was peeled off by the machine. (!)
In the expert report presented in court, it was stated that
Ali, who was working the press machine, had received
no safety training and there was no supervisor watching
the knitting machine at the time.
Employer Taner Karabul, who was found to be at fault,
stated that "I'm very sorry about the accident. After it
I closed the workshop. I don't even want to walk down
that street anymore." Karabul also admitted that he had
employed 3 other Syrians at the workshop. At the case's
final hearing on 19 June, Karabul was found guilty but
his 2-year jail sentence was converted to a 30,400 TL
fine. (!)
Nevertheless, Karabul's lawyer Erdal Gökmen
asserted that Ali had been working as a loader of
material for transport but for some unexplained reason
he went to the knitting machine and got his sweater
caught in the machine, resulting in the horrific
and deadly incident.
Ali's brother's lawyer Turan Hançerli related that
Ali had been a teacher in Syria but escaped to Turkey
with his wife and children because of the war there.
Hançerli said that Ali was working without insurance
and after his death, his pregnant wife and other
children returned to Syria. Because Ali's wife did
not sign a power of attorney. no appeal could be

Güngören district of Istanbul
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