türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Vatan Newspaper, 16 October 2018)
Ünal and the sacred pages.
In November 2016, when Murat Ünal left home in
Manavgat, Antalya, with his friend Harun Varış
his family did not hear from Ünal again and filed
a missing persons report with the police. In January 2017,
shepherds found Ünal's body with the arms cut off and
the chest slashed open at İshak Seydi Hill in the village
of Oymapınar Dam Lake Değirmenli.
DNA tests confirmed that the body was Ünal's. He
had been shot 3 times with a rifle, in addition to having
his arms cut off and his chest slashed open. Lawyer
Hicran Ceylan, Harun Varış, Celalettin Ceylan,
Beytullah Aslan and three others were taken into custody.
Varış and Ceylan were charged with killing Ünal, who
was trying to sell a 1,400-year-old 'Tevrat' (Pentateuch -
the first five books of the Old Testament and Hebrew
Scriptures (Genesis, Exodus, Leiticus, Numbers and
Ünal's older sister Ümmü Ünal said that her brother was
killed because he supposedly withheld a page from the
'Tevrat'. She explained that "The other day when I opened
Murat's suitcase to air out his clothes, I noticed his telephone
and wondered if it was still working. I charged it and it
started working. On WhatsApp, I saw that 18 pages of the
Tevrat that Murat was killed for supposedly withholding a
19th page, had been sent to him months ago and there were
18 photos of these pages on WhatsApp. There was also a
photo of a statue. I want to know who sent these pictures
to my brother. I also want these pages to be compared
with the Tevrat found in Adnan Oktar's home in Istanbul."
Adnan Oktar has an enduring interest in all things
//Ed. Note: Adnan Oktar, currently in jail, is 'larger-
than-life' con man/swindler. For more details about
Oktar and the Tevrat found in his Istanbul home,
click on the link: adnanoktar //

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