türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 30 September 2018)
He ought to leave the young girls alone, but...
In Erzurum, Harun Şimşek (42), married and a worker
at a private sector firm, had an affair with his daughter's
friend Dilara Kübra A. As the result of the relationship,
Dilara Kübra became pregnant but hid her condition from
her family by wearing loose-fitting clothes.
On 7 January 2016, Dilara Kübra gave birth to a baby boy
at Horasan State Hospital. But when required inoculations
for the baby weren't done, hospital officials informed their
higher-ups. Şimşek was taken into custody and claimed
that while taking the baby to the Kars Children's Council,
he noticed that the baby had died along the way so he
bought a pick and shovel at a nearby hardware store and
buried the child near Sarıkamış, in western Kars province.
The grave was not found, though. In her court testimony,
Dilara Kübra A. asserted that Şimşek had smothered the
baby with his coat. Both of them were convicted of
intentionally killing a family member but, on appeal,
Dilara Kübra A. was acquitted, while Şimşek's life
sentence was confirmed.

Sarıkamış is at upper right on the map.
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