türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 18 July 2019)
Society princess wards off a commoner (at great expense).
action footage click here for the play-by-play.
Fatma Funda Esenç became angry when she learned that her flight
from Istanbul to Bodrum had been delayed so she took out her
frustration on airport personnel Tuğçe Selvi (24) by insulting her.
Now, a case has been brought against Esenç and she faces a jail
term of from 9 months 15 days to 3 years 4 months for "insulting
with aggression an individual's honor and respect", as well as for
"inciting malice and enmity among the populace".
With regard to the 25 April incident, Selvi said in her statement
to the court that "I went to tell the waiting passengers about the
status of the flight. The suspect (Esenç) said to me 'you can't
just come out here in a skirt and tell us this. Who knows what
you did when you went to the plane. The money you make is
evil money. Instead of acting like a witch, use your head.'"
As Selvi continued to try to explain the flight's status, Esenç
said to her "Don't come near me! I don't want any contact with a
Gypsy! You are street dust!" As for Esenç, in her own defense
she explained that she was in a rush to get to Bodrum because of
a relative's operation. "Because of the stress caused by the delay I
used some unpleasant language." (!), she said.
Nevertheless, in a related development (!), Rüstem Demirci,
an inmate at a prison in Kütahya, filed a complaint against
Esenç, declaiming that "the suspect said 'I don't want any contact
with a Gypsy!' and as a citizen of Roman (Gypsy) descent I take
offense to this statement. I feel as though I've been degraded
and dishonored."
The first hearing of the case will occur in October.

Happy B-day Fatma Funda!
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