Hatanu characterizes both Russia and England as unable
to counter Japan, even with American help. First of all,
though, he sees a Japanese pact with the new Republic of
China as the crucial beginning for the "Asia Alliance".//
In the year (year left blank but possibly 1908 -see note below) a
respected member of the
Tatar-ı İhvan (Tatar Moslem Brotherhood)
came and made a very important proposal. He asked that the Japanese
government help
his nation recover its political life. In other words,
if the Japanese government
seriously takes upon itself the task of
guiding others and initiates an Asian alliance, then in 3-5 years great
successes can be achieved.
//Ed. Note: later in his essay, Hatanu refers to "Türkistan"
as a potential Asia Alliance member and recalls that an
important person from there visited Japan "4 years ago"
(1908). In the 1930s, Japan supported an Ottoman prince
as 'emperor' for Turkistan against the Russians:
Ottoman Prince in Turkistan 1933 click here for a
detailed account of this incident.//
First of all, let us consider how an alliance and association
with China
can happen: if the Japanese government wants to make a secret
agreement with China, as a first step the Japanese government should
approve of
the China Republic. Next, it should warn
China that it must
make the strongest protests to Mongolia and Tibet about the
there and ensure the peace of mind of the Mongolians and
In concert with this, if the Japanese government clearly
warns Russia
and England that their meddling
in Mongolia and Tibet will upset the
peacefulness of the Far East, then
neither Russia nor England will take
any action whatsoever and both will be
forced to remain silent.
Certainly, when Japan takes such steps as these it must
ensure that its
own military forces and arms are abundant. Nevertheless, thankfully, it
is clear that
our military forces are superior to both Russia and England
on land and sea. In truth, if Russia were to send all its land forces
against Japan it would be in a position to resist to some degree but in
light of the Balkan problems and the situation in Iran, Russian
cannot send
500,000 troops to the Far East. Yet, in
order to pose a
credible threat to Japan, Russia would have to have at least
troops permanently stationed in the Far East. And Russia poses no
naval threat so Russia
could in no way fight a war with Japan.

Asia before World War I
When it comes to England, its time and majesty have passed
and it has
grown old. England will only
be remembered in the history books as a
power of the past. England has been forced to pull its fleet
from the
Mediterranean Sea in order to defend the North Sea. In disgrace,
England has barely been able to
forge an alliance with the French fleet
and is having great difficulty
protecting India. In short, England
not oppose Japan for 100 years.
//Ed. Note: despite this anti-Anglo rhetoric, Japan played a
noteworthy, but perhaps little-known, role in supporting
England during World War I - Japan in WWI //
Let us suppose that Russia, England and France make an
defensive alliance; but Russia
would have to defer the path it is
following vis-a-vis Iran and leave Turkey
alone for the time being, as
well; Russia would also have to leave France to
face Germany and
Austria alone and send its forces toward us, while England
would have
to rely on France, too, sending the bulk of its naval fleet to
waters (because there would be no other way for England to challenge
our forces). In such a circumstance, our
land and naval forces would
only be too happy to greet these two guests. In fact, England would not
declare war on Japan as long as
it remains strong against Germany and
does not lose India. And if England did not participate in a war
Japan, Russia would be in no position to do so by itself.
//Ed. Note: with regard to India, in particular, Japan
provided this important help to England in Singapore
in 1915:
The British allowed the Japanese to base ships at
Singapore, which proved of great value to the
British in late January 1915 when Muslim soldiers
from the Indian Army, responding to the Ottoman
Jihad declaration, mutinied and rampaged freely
in the city for two days until an ad hoc force headed
by 158 Japanese Marines restored order.
Even in the most unlikely circumstance, even if the Triple
combined with America, it could not threaten Japan. In essense, today
there is no state in the
world which is capable of opposing Japan.
would be astonished if the Japanese government did not seize upon
opportunity right now to forge an Asian alliance and secure a lasting
peace for Asia.
//END of PART IV//
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