türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 9 July 2019)

After using 'jail-bait' daughter, they're off to jail.
Businessman Z.A. (58) in Bartin, began to chat online with a 14-year-
old girl identified as 'Sevgi Ç.' and they became friends. 'Sevgi Ç.' sent
Z.A. photos and Z.A. did the same. But the girl's mother M.Ö. (33)
said that she 'caught' her daughter and the photos, and sought to
blackmail Z.A., in this regard.
Z.A. sent M.Ö. a total of 1,287,642 TL (!) (about $350,000) but at the
end of the year he got fed up and reported the blackmail to Bartin
police. In the ensuing investigation, police checked the bank accounts
of M.Ö. and her husband S.Ö. and saw that they had both withdrawn
money from the accounts that Z.A. sent the money to.
In turned out that M.Ö. was having her daughter 'Sevgi Ç.' lure
wealthy men into social media relationships, send them photos and
then blackmail the men (!). In a previous sting, the family used the
same technique to bilk someone from Mersin out of 518,000 TL.
türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 9 July 2019)

No legal gobbledygook. Even a judge can understand it.
In Adana, Meryem K. (45) carried a placard in front of the courthouse
which read "I Want a Divorce!" because the courts have so far refused
to grant her one from her abusive husband Cerrah K. (51).
Meryem K. and Cerrah K. were married in 2001 but Meryem hanım
filed for divorce in 2012, accusing her husband of beating her. After
receiving threats, Meryem hanım withdrew the suit but after Cerrah
K. threw her down a staircase, she filed for divorce again in 2013.
The case went through the courts in Adana but in the end the last
court ruled that "the plaintiff has not proven a fault." (!)
Now as she carried her sign in front of the courthouse, Meryem K.
explained to reporters that "I want a divorce. I don't want anything
else. I've been subjected to violence for 17 years but the judges won't
grant me a divorce. What's going on? First I forgave him under
threats and went back to him. The last 5 years there's been a
restraining order against him. I walk around with a panic button.
I even lost the 4.5 month-old child in my womb from his beatings.
He threatens my parents and my siblings." Meryem hanım vowed
to continue her protest at the courthouse until she gets a divorce.
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