türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Sözcü Newspaper, 11 July 2019)
Will not yield his right-of-way.
The AKP (ruling party) municipality in Düzce has sold a city street
in the Uzunmustafa neighborhood to a citizen. The sale came to light
when the buyer Metin Çapar closed off the street to build a shopping
center (!).
Çapar explained that "the Düzce municipality sold me a 600-square
meter area of the road." The sales process began during the tenure of
former Mayor Mehmet Keleş, who was forced to resign, and was
consumated under the mayorality of Dursun Ay.
türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Sözcü Newspaper, 11 July 2019)
When a principal lacks principles...
Yesterday in Beykoz, Istanbul, 'İcra Dairesi' (debt collection) officials
came to the Beykoz Anadolu High School because the school's former
principal had rented two floors of the school to a textile firm (!).
CHP (opposition party) legislator Barış Yarkadaş explained that
"In 2004, Principal Osman Bey rented the basement and ground
floors to a textile firm for 5 years. After using the floors for 8.5
months, the National Education Directorate (NED) ordered the firm
to vacate. A court battle ensued and the textile firm won 8.5 million
TL in damages." (!)
Truckloads of t-shirts await the students.
NED shirked any responsibility and told the firm to deal with the
school administration. So yesterday the firm brought the 'İcra
Dairesi' officials with them to the 600-pupil school and had all the
current summer school students vacate the building. Mediations
ensued and the firm agreed to wait 6 days for the basement floor
to be turned over to it but demanded 6,000 TL in compensation
for the delay. The school administration had no choice but to
accede to this demand.
Former principal Osman Bey, who had originally rented the school
floors to the textile firm, is now serving as principal at a 'İmam
Hatip' (religious) school.
Beykoz ('A' marker)
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