türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 27 July 2019)
goat lover click here for an April TNT report about a
goat owner's love for her goat.
goat hater click here for TNT's report about Donald
Trump Jr. shooting goats in Antalya in 2016.
He knows his goats.
In Korkuteli, Antalya, farmer Fahrettin Kündü (49) lost one of his
goats in September 2012 and looked for the lost goat for 9 days.
On 10 September, a car hit the goat on the road and the car rolled over,
injuring two passengers. Based on the tag on the goat's ear
(07-1578382), it was determined that the goat belonged to Kündü.
In the ensuing investigation, Kündü was found to be responsible for
the goat being on the road. Appearing before a judge, Kündü defended
himself: "I have about 100 goats. I noticed that one of them had gone
missing so I looked for it but didn't find it. Ten days later the accident
occurred, through no fault of mine. The people who hit my goat should
pay me for my loss. In any case, it was a small, 20-kilogram goat.
A goat that small couldn't cause a car to roll over."
Prior to the case being heard, an expert witness report was obtained
from Adli Tıp Kurumu (the police forensic medicine office) and the
report blamed Kündü and his goat for the accident, while those in the
car were deemed blameless. However, Kündü objected because the
drivers were under the influence of alcohol (!), according to the police
report from the scene.
Another expert witness report was ordered and then prepared by three
engineering professors from Istanbul Technical University (İTÜ)'s
transportation department. This report, too, found Kündü and the goat
mostly to blame, although the drunk driver was deemed to have
"secondary responsibility". In the Korkuteli court on 5 February 2015,
Kündü was sentenced to 8.5 months in jail and the driver's insurance
company sued him for 8,000 TL. (!)
Don Jr. claimed to know goats but hit this instead.
Undaunted, Kündü appealed the verdict and the higher court ridiculed
the İTÜ expert witness report, noting that desk-bound professors know
nothing about the social habits and proclivities of goats so it was
preposterous for them to have written the report in the first
place. The court ruled that an appropriate expert witness report
committee should consist of people from the area who are engaged in
raising animals and those who know about the social lives of goats,
along with village notables and veterinarians.
The Yargıtay 12th Ceza Dairesi (higher court's penalty office) ultimately
ruled that goat's owner should not be held responsible for the accident
and the lower court's verdict was voided.

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