türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 1 July 2019)
Straight out of central casting.
The famous brothel madame Matilt Manukyan, once so wealthy that
she was a record-breaking taxpayer (!), died in 2001 and left
everything to her son Kerope Çilingir (79). However, 36 people filed
suit against Çilinger to get a portion of the inheritance and now his
own daughter, Dora Çilingir, has filed a suit against him in order to
become the exector of her grandmother's estate.
The court decided to freeze Manukyan's wealth and, at the same time,
an investigation was started into Çilinger for official document fraud.
Two weeks ago, his daughter Dora fıled suit in Istanbul court to be
named her father's heir, stating in her petition that "Kerope Çilingir
disappeared because of deadly threats. For a long time he lived in
hotels to avoid being found. Lately, Kerope Çilinger was discovered
nearly dead in a hotel room and was brought to a private hospital
for treatment. Hospital officials stated that when he came to the
hospital Çilinger was unwashed, undernourished and essentially a
homeless person."
In response to Dora Çilingir's petition, the court decided to put a
temporary hold on all real estate registered under Kerope Çilingir's
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