28 Ekim 2020 Çarşamba

'Lightning' Street Psychology From Hitchhiking Rollerskate Lover

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 28 October 2020)

      Barefoot in the park, ready for those new rollerskates.

Aytaç Şimşek (22) got fed up with city life four years ago and decided 
to hitchhike around Turkey, setting up a tent wherever he went and 
meeting new people.  He covers his expenses by listening to peoples'
troubles. (!)

Şimşek (whose surname means 'lightning' in Turkish) arrived in
Diyarbakır, set up his tent in a park in the  Gaziler neighborhood
and put out his "shingle" the next morning, advertising his services:
"Listening to troubles: 10 TL;  Photo: 5 TL; Chat: free".  

He explained that "I'm touring Turkey by hitchhiking. Diyarbakır
is the 51st city I've visited in four years.  I listen to peoples' troubles
Up to now, no one has made me cry.  I listen to love and economic
problems mostly, but I really want to listen to someone who will 
make me cry.  My goal is to travel the world with my backpack 
on roller skates (!).  I haven't gotten the roller skates yet but I
hope to soon.  I make about 60-70 TL (about $7-8) per day listening
to peoples' troubles.

One of Şimşek's customers, Ömer Kamçı, said that "I had a small
problem and I told him about it.  He showed great interest and it
did me good to tell him.  Rather than talk to a psychiatrist, I talked
to him.  I gave him 10 TL and it was worth it."


        Like a bartender - but you don't have to buy a drink.

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