(Hürriyet and Sözcü Newspapers, 18 July 2012)

Kuki and Garbi
In Izmir, Kuki, obtained from a refuse-collecting child,
and Garbi, an unwanted dog donated to the police, underwent
intense training to become two of only four body-sniffing
canines in Turkey. However, when the trainers of the dogs,
which are sent all over Turkey to search for bodies, were
transferred this became a problem for the police. The
solution was to assign both Kuki and Garbi to the Criminal
Office Directorate in Ankara.
Kuki, a 5 year-old Cocker assigned to the Izmir Crime Scene
Directorate, was found in the possession of a refuse collector
by policeman Zafer Damar, an eleven-year veteran whose
last sniffer dog died. Damar arranged with a veterinarian to
nurse Kuki back to health and then trained the canine for
sniffer service. Kuki had a year of training in Izmir and four
months of it in Ankara at the dog taining center. For four
years Kuki has been the police's best body-sniffer.
Garbi, a 3 year-old German Shepherd, was donated to police
because his owner couldn't care for him. Garbi was trained by
police officer Resul Orhan and has worked for a year and a
half sniffing for bodies like Kuki. Both dogs are sent all over
Turkey to search for bodies but they are very close to their
trainers and require constant re-training. So when Damar was
assigned to Şırnak and Orhan to Şanlıurfa, Kuki and Garbi's
situation was put in jeopardy.
The dogs had successes like finding the body of murdered shoe
magnate Tuncay Güngör buried in a rice field in Susurluk, Balıkesir;
discovering the buried bodies of murder victims Mehmet Özer
and Fevzi Aluç; and finding the buried body parts of Sevgi Taşkin,
who was murdered and cut up by her boyfriend in Bursa.
Kuki and Garbi will henceforth have new trainers in Ankara and
after they bond with them they'll get refresher training and head
back to work.
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