(Sabah Newspaper, 19 February 2014)

Aleppo pepper - attacker's weapon of choice
In Kayseri, Mehmet Ince (30) had a credit debt of
25,000 TL and borrowed some bracelets from his
sister-in-law Mehtap Sever a few months ago.
Ince didn't repay Sever and his economic situation
became worse. So Ince put on a ski mask and broke
into Sever's home in the Cirgalan neighborhood of
Kocasinan district in order to steal more bracelets.
Once inside the house, Ince, who is the married father
of two children, pulled some 'pul biber' (Aleppo pepper)
from his pocket and threw it in his sister-in-law's face.
Sever screamed as her eyes burned and Ince fled in a
panic without the bracelets when neighbors rushed to
the house.
Police sealed off the neighborhood and quickly captured
Ince, who had a knife in his pocket. Ince explained that
he broke into Sever's house because of his debt situation:
"I went to get the bracelets in her house. I had the pepper
in my pocket because I add it to everything I eat. When
I came face to face with Meltem I pulled out the pepper
in a panic, instead of the knife. Then I threw the pepper
in my sister-in-law's face."
Sever was quite surprised to learn that her pepper attacker
was her own brother-in-law. She said she knew that Ince's
situation was bad and even though she had given him
bracelets before she would have done so again, she said,
adding that "I won't press charges." Nevertheless, Ince
will have a day in court but he is free until then.

Mehmet (Pepper) Ince
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