türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Milliyet Newspaper, 14 March 2019)

A victim of vicious 'flower-power'.
In Avcılar district of Istanbul, a young woman named Rabia K. (25)
wanted to break up with her boyfriend Emre Çiçek (25) after two
years together. On the evening of 6 February, Çiçek (whose surname
means "flower") called Rabia K. and told her "I have a surprise for you!"
Çiçek then took the young woman out to dinner in a rented car. After
dinner, Çiçek said he wanted to show Rabia K. his workplace and took
her to a textile workshop in the Parseller neighborhood.
At the workshop, Çiçek tried to rape Rabia K. When she resisted he cut
her neck with a 'falçeta' (a curved shoe knife), bound her hands and
then stabbed her repeatedly. Çiçek then succeeded in raping Rabia K.
and struck her with an ax, kicking her for good measure. Thinking
that Rabia K. was dead, Çiçek called his friend Yunus K. for help but
when Yunus K. saw the scene he fled in a panic.
So Çiçek put Rabia K. in a sack by himself and threw her into the trunk
of the car. He then drove to Firuzköy and dumped the sack, with R.K.
in it of course, on the shore of Lake Küçükçekmece. Çicek next went
to the bus terminal at Bayrampaşa, called his father Ali Çicek and told
him what he had done.
But father Ali Çiçek informed the police, who came to the bus terminal
and took the son into custody. The police took Çiçek to Firuzköy
at about 4 o'clock in the morning and found the sack, within which
Rabia K. was found to be still alive (!!). The police rushed her to the
hospital, where she remained in a coma for 6 days.
After a month of treatment, Rabia K. was released from the hospital but
she still cannot speak because of the wound to her neck. Nevertheless,
she wrote that "he said he had a surprise for me, covered my eyes and
told me he wanted to introduce me to his boss, so he took me to the
textile workshop. When I told him I still wanted to break up, he came
after me with the 'falçeta' and a knife. I want him to get the maximum
As for Çiçek's father Ali Çiçek, he said that he had obtained a
restraining order to keep his son away from his home because Emre
was selling his parents' goods (!).

Avcılar (A), Firuzköy (B)
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