türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Sözcü Newspaper, 16 March 2019)
Cost: about $20.
Mevlüt Bayram, who lives in Germany, hadn't heard from his father
Asım Bayram (82), who had a number of real estate holdings in the
Antalya region, for a time, so on 22 January he asked police in Antalya
to look into the situation.
Police determined that on the day of his disappearance, Asım bey was
last seen in a wooded area of Varsak village in Kepez district, where he
met with a "real estate agent" about buying a new house. During a
search of the area on 25 February no trace of Asım bey was found. But
on 11 March, a sniffer dog found Asım bey's body cut up into 8 pieces
and buried there.
As police divers searched Ekşili pond in Döşemealtı for the elderly
man's car (license plate 07 GN 817), the sniffer dog found the body
parts nearby. In an operation launched on 12 March, police rounded
up murder suspects M.G. M.Ö., M.S., Ç.K. and Asım bey's common-
law wife Ferluga Karatuğ (!). The suspects also sold Asım bey's car for
4,000 TL (about $850) to C.Y., R.Y., Ö.T., S.B.K. and Mehmet Duruş
Uslu., all of whom were taken into custody, too. Uslu who was out of
jail, where he was being held for another crime, on 1-day leave, bought
Asım bey's car, cut it up and sold the parts.

Ferluga hanım.
Suspect M.G., who served a 10-year sentence for killing Gür İnan
Bayramoğlu in 2005 in Beldibi village of Kemer district (!), told police
in his statement that "our aim was to knock him out and take his money.
But we weren't able to implement our plan that day. We found just
120 TL in his pockets. We killed the guy for nothing (!). On 22
January, we went to M.Ö.'s house and as we entered M.Ö. hit Asım bey
on the head with a hammer to knock him out, but he died from the blow.
That same day we cut up the body in a storeoom below the house. On
23 January we checked out the Varsak area and the next day we buried
the body parts in garbage bags there."
As for wife Ferluga hanım, she was released by police and told
reporters that "I was very happy with Asım bey. He had about 20
flats and stores and money in the bank but he bragged about this all
over. He became the victim of his showing off. I don't know the
suspects. He met with them to buy a house but they turned out to be
criminals. I was wrongly accused of involvement. I didn't do
anything to anybody."
Son Mevlüt Bayram will bury his father today after prayers in Salur
town in Şarki Karaağaç district, Isparta province.

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