türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 12 March 2019)
Police are searching for used car salesman Naif based
on this photo.
In Bartin, S.A. (79) was told by individuals claiming to be policemen
that "there are images of you in the investigation of the Khashoggi
murder." S.A. gave the 'policemen' 10,000 Euros (!) but his children
later told him he had been swindled so he went to the (real) police.
After reviewing video, police tracked M.B. (27) to Ankara and in
his statement to police M.B. explained that "I work as a plumber in
Şanlıurfa but I've been out of work for a year and have money
problems. Ten days ago I ran into my friend Naif, who's a used car
salesman (!), and he told me that he pretends to be a policman or
a prosecutor and persuades people to give him money. So I agreed
to join his group."
Continuing, M.B. said that "we met at the market on 24 February
and Naif told me I needed to be in Bartin the next day so I went
there. Naif called me and told me to hang around the governor's
office. Sitting in a parking lot there was an elderly man and I said
to him 'I'm Hakan from the security team'. He gave me the money
in an envelope. I went by taxi to the bus terminal and got a bus to
Ankara. En route, in Bolu, I looked in the envelope and saw the
Euros. I went to a store and bought some new clothes. In Ankara I
went to Ulus and the next day I changed the 9,600 Euros in the
envelope to TL. I sent the money to Naif's and his mother's bank
"Naif called me again and said that (with the same Khashoggi
technique) he had got a taxi driver in Ankara's Keçiören district
to sell his taxi and his taxi license for 460,000 TL (about $85,000).
Naif told me to go pick up the money." However, M.B. was
arrested before he could get the taxi driver's money. Police are
now trying to apprehend the other members of the gang.
Khashoggi & the last person to sell him a used car.
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