türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 2 March 2019)
Cingöz decries the "we'll get there when we get there" approach
and he hates that song "Take the Long Way Home", too.
A group of students from Türk Kızılayı Kartal Anadolu Lisesi went to
Uludağ in Bursa for day of skiing. Afterwards, the group left Uludağ
yesterday evening in a tour bus driven by Hüseyin Cingöz (whose
surname means 'clever, shrewd'). Despite a sign that prohibits 'trucks,
buses and TIR' (tractor trailers), Cingöz took this 'short cut' at the
Dobruca location. Before long, his bus overturned, hit the barrier and
avoided falling over the side at the last possible second.
Twenty five of the 41 students on the bus were injured, 5 seriously.
There were also 5 teachers and Cingöz's helper on the bus. Cingöz
was taken into custody by police and explained that "I didn't know
buses weren't allowed on this road. I can't figure out how the bus
overturned." (!) The road was closed to buses after 3 separate
accidents involving buses and minibuses that caused 3 deaths and
98 injuries.
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