türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 25 March 2019)

The resemblance is uncanny. An artist has to have a lawyer
everywhere these days.
Di-Octo click here for more on Howe's sculpture in Montreal.
The world-famous kinetic sculptor Anthony Howe (65) filed suit
because of a sculpture commissioned by the Mersin municipality
called 'Hayal Yeli' (wind of dreams). Howe claimed that the
sculpture in Mersin is a copy of his work 'Di-Octo' in Montreal.
The sculpture in question was commissioned by the Mersin
municipality in 2017 and it was to be put at the entrance of the
Mersin Marina. Three firms competed for the commission, which
was won by Park Kent Mobilyaları AŞ from Sincan, Ankara. In
turn, Park Kent bought the statue from Ar-Yen Mühendislik for
354,000 (TL) (about $60,000) and delivered it to the Mersin
municipality, which placed the 11-meter work of art at the marina's
Howe somehow got wind (pun intended) of the situation and had
his lawyers file suit. Howe contends that " 'Hayal Yeli' is a copy
of my work 'Di-Octo'" In court, both the municipality and Park
Kent blamed Ar-Yen for the situation. In response, Ar-Yen declared
that "our work runs with a motor, whereas Howe's is wind-powered.
Howe's statue has 16 wings and ours has 30." (!)
The court sent the case to a panel of 3 experts, who unanımously
concluded that Ar-Yen's statue is a copy of Howe's work. On 5
March the court awarded Howe 871,233 TL (about $120,00) in
damages but (of course) there will be another hearing in June,
based on Ar-Yen's appeal for another expert panel's assessment.
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