türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Sözcü Newspaper, 22 March 2019)

This map of Crete has the Greeks seeing (too much) red!
Natural gas resources in the eastern Mediterranean Sea basin have
sparked a flury of activity in the region. Greece, Greek Cypriots
and Israel are working closely together to transport this gas to
European markets. Part of the plan involves Israel and Greece
establishing a radar site on the island of Crete.
However (!), the former General Secretary of the Turkish Ministry
of Defense, retired Col. Ümit Yalım, asserted that transport plan
will come to nought because, according to international agreements,
3/4 of Crete belongs to Turkey (!!).
Col. Yalım explained that "based on the London Agreement of
30 May 1913, Crete was given over to the allied states of Greece,
Bulgaria, Montenegro and Serbia. But the 14 small islands around
Crete remained under Ottoman sovereignty. This situation was
confirmed by the 12th paragraph of the Lausanne Agreement of
1923, which ended the Turkish-Greek War (Turkish War of
Independence). After Lausanne, over time, Bulgaria, Montenegro
and Serbia abandoned their rights to Crete so their shares reverted
to the status of Turkish territory."
Col. Yalım added that "the proposed EastMed Natural Gas
Pipline would pass across Turkey's continental shelf, violating
Turkey's sovereign rights. To prevent this, Turkey must
immediately announce and declare its continental shelf
boundaries and its proprietary economic region."
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