türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Sözcü Newspaper, 7 March 2019)

Tunç was (evidently) blinded by teen lust.
In Ümraniye, Istanbul, housewife Arzu Ö. (45) saw her husband
off to work, but a while later neighbors heard screams coming
from her house and called the police. Arriving at the scene, police
discovered that Arzu hanım had been bludgeoned to death with a
heavy object.
At home at the time was Tunç Ö. (16), Arzu hanım's son. He told
police that his mother had fallen while preparing breakfast for him.
Finding this hard to believe, police questioned Tunç further and
he ultimately confessed that "my mother didn't like my girlfriend
so she wouldn't approve of our relationship. We argued and I hit her
over the head with a baseball bat, killing her. When she fell to the
floor, I got scared and hid the bat."

türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Sözcü Newspaper, 7 March 2019)
A needle in the haystack of love.
In Adana's Çukurova district, a woman named H.K. (28) and her
male friend H.G. (29) went for a drive. H.G. suggested that they
have a romantic relationship but H.K. refused. Enraged, H.G.
stuck a synringe (!) containing an unknown fluid into H.K.'s leg.
The young woman lept from the car screaming, fainted and was
taken to a hospital for treatment. H.G. fled in his car but was later
taken into custody by police and the syringe was found in his car.
Doctors are trying to determine the nature of the fluid in the syringe.
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