türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Sözcü Newspaper, 16 November 2017)
Colonel Creep's expression never changes, as if etched in stone.
In Muğla's Bodrum district, a woman named L.S. (32) appealed to
police last week, saying that her boyfriend (!) Süleyman B. (48), who
had passed himself off to her as a 'retired colonel', had taken nude
photographs of her and then forced her into prostitution.
L.S. explained that "I just wanted to start a happy life with him. He
told me he was a retired colonel and gained my trust. A while later he
told me that for fun (!) he had taken photos of me in our bedroom and
that if I didn't sleep with other men for money he would release the
photos on social media. I was shocked. He sold me to other men
until I couldn't take it anymore. Please save me from this man!"
When another woman made the same complaint about the 'retired
colonel', police took Süleyman B. into custody. A search of his
home yielded a computer drive holding nude photos of the women.
Bodrum district is in far western Muğla province.
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