türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Milliyet Newspaper, 9 November 2017)
'Smurfs' (out of uniform) await further guidance.
In Bahçelievler, Istanbul, last week police raided a shopping center and
took 12 individuals into custody, including Mehmet Sabri Şirin, the leader
of the Şirinler ('Smurfs') gang. Behind the curtain of the raid there was the
matter of a $5 million murder. In order to take revenge for the murder of
Rövşen Canyev, Şirin met with two Azeri gang members at the restaurant
in the shopping center.
Şirin, who got into an armed clash with his former partner Ümit Saral of
the Sarallar gang because of a dispute over their joint drug trafficking
activities, met last Friday with members of the international crime
organization known as the Caniyev gang. Şirin offered $5 million for
a 'hit' in revenge for the killing of Azeri Mafia leader Rövşen Caniyev
in Beşiktaş, Istanbul, in August, 2016.
Şirin, whose nickname is 'Mex' (!), met with the two Azeri hitmen at
the shopping center restaurant but the police raid resulted in 13 people,
including the two Azeris. being taken into custody. Ten weapons were
found on the suspects and in their cars.
Rövşen Caniyev, whose nickname was 'Ghost' (!), was gunned down in
Beşiktaş on 18 August 2016 as he left a luxury hotel in his Jeep. Caniyev's
crime organization is active in Russia, Azerbaijan and the Ukraine.
Caniyev was responsible for the murder of Ali Gamidov at a pool in
Başakşehir, Istanbul, in 2013. Caniyev was killed on the third anniversary
of Gamidov's murder.
Mehmet Sabri Şirin (sunglasses) and his gang members.
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