türkçe links to original Turkish article
(HaberTürk Newspaper, 7 November 2017)
campushijinks see another recent TNT report on Karamanoğlu U.
'Demon', left, and fleeing dorm resident, right.
The 'demon' panic at the girls dormatory in Karaman has postponed
tests. The Kredi Yurtlar Kurumu (KYK) characterized the situation
as students overreacting but the students, who have sought refuge in
their friends' homes, are insistent that they saw a ghost. (!)
Quite a few students have left the dorm because of rumors that the
'ghost' entered rooms at the Nefise Sultan Dormatory and left notes in
Arabic, such as "It's your turn" and "You'll die", over the course of the
past two weeks. As a result of the panic, the visa tests at Karamanoğlu
Mehmet Bey University, where the students attend, were canceled.
However, both the university and the governor's office downplayed
the students' action as an overreaction.
Nevertheless, the students insist that this is not a practical joke. One
of the students, Selen Cüce, said that she won't return to the dorm
until the matter is settled and might even leave the university altogether.
Cüce said "the letters X and XA have been carved in the walls . These
letters mean "afar" in the Vietnamese language (!). The dorm supervisor
seems unconcerned but there are only 300 students left in the dorm out
of 1,500. He entered my friends' rooms and caressed their faces, then
fled quickly. He's very strong - even if there are things place against
the door he can get in. He left a bloody note at the dorm next door,
saying 'I'm not just there, your turn will come.'"
Dorm security camera caught a glimpse of the 'ghost' escaping.
Beyza Ceren Ateş said she's afraid of her shadow anymore: "on
Saturday I went into my room at noon. I haven't slept for days.
I put a bookcase in front of my door as a precaution but just as I was
falling asleep someone came into my room. I jumped up but he fled.
Everyone is looking at each other suspiciously. It's test week but I
can't even go to the toilet! He's very quick and gets away instantly."
History student Beyzanur Yavaş noted that "we agreed to keep watch.
Then, someone banged on the doors and came in front of my room.
I looked under the door and saw bare feet, but the corridor lights
weren't on, although normally when someone's in the corridor the
lights automatically go on. When he tried to open the door all the
girls screamed and ran into the corridor but he got away very quickly.
We chased him and someone saw him on the fire escape. He was
wearing black clothes. We went to our rooms and heard noises
coming from the roof. We watched all the exits but we couldn't
catch him. He left black paint fingerprints on our rooms."
Police have taken measures, assigning a woman police and two
security guards to each floor on the ten-story dorm for 24-hour

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