6 Aralık 2018 Perşembe

Sultan's Earring Erased in Kids' Religious Magazine

//Ed. Note: internet version of original Turkish
article unavailable.//

(Sözcü Newspaper, 6 December 2018)

Image result for yavuz sultan selim küpesi diyanet
Hey kids, earphones are fine, but earrings...

The Turkish Ministry of Religious Affairs has removed the earring
worn by Yavuz Sultan Selim, the 9th Ottoman Sultan (1470-1520),
from a portrait of  Yavuz Selim in its children's magazine.  The
article concerned the Sultan's conquest of Jerusalem and although
every portrait of Yavuz Selim shows an earring in his left ear, it was
erased in the picture accompanying the children's magazine article.

In a previously-issued 'fetva' (opinion on Islamic law), the Ministry
had declared that "it is 'mekruh' (not forbidden by God but looked
upon with horror and disgust by Moslem teachers) for men to wear
earrings.  With regard to general Moslem customs, wearing earrings
is considered a decorative fashion for women and men should steer
clear of such things.  Islamic scholars consider the wearing of
earrings by men and other feminine decorations to be near to
forbidden, in other words 'mekruh'."

According to some historians, Yavuz Sultan Selim considered his
earring to be a sign of strength, while others insist that this is 
apocryphal and that he never wore an earring.  Another story has
it that when Yavuz Sultan Selim went to Tebriz in Iran he beat
Shah İsmail in chess, prompting the infuriated Shah to hit him
in the ear.  Selim is said to have remarked that "his hit shall be
remembered with an earring."

yavuz sultan selim kudüs fethi ile ilgili görsel sonucu
Yavuz Sultan Selim's conquest of  Jerusalem, 
October 1516.

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