türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Milliyet Newspaper, 5 December 2018)
The Scream next time you get pulled over, try it.
Academician Tarlacı is actually a frustrated opera singer.
Academician Özlem Atan Tarlacı screamed bloody murder when
she got a traffic ticket in Istanbul and became a topic of interest
throughout Turkey. But the remark of Üsküdar council member
Ahmet Tokkan that Tarlacı "should have been beaten with a
stick" by police, has drawn a fierce response from women.

You'll cover your ears, too.
While Tokkan's tweet has been erased by the Üsküdar
municipality, lawyer and women's right activist
Aydeniz Alisbah Tuskan declared that Tokkan "should be
punished for psychological violence against women."
Haliç University academician Tarlacı got the ticket last
month but the video only came on social media lately,
prompting Tokkan to make his "beat her with a stick"
remark. The day before yesterday at the Üsküdar council
meeting the municipality issued the following statement:
"On behalf of the Üsküdar Municipality and the AK Party,
we assert that we are against all negative attitudes toward
women. Council Member Tokkan has erased his tweet
and apologized."
In a quieter moment...
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