(Hürriyet Newspaper, 8 February 2016)
ID card has surname, name backwards. Tricky guy...
The name Talat Çetin first came up in 2012 when Çetin
identified himself as a general in the Russian secret service
FSB. Çetin took 2 million USD from the relatives of 5 Turkish
businessmen being held in Uzbekistan but then disappeared.
At the time, Çetin was given the nickname "KGB Talat" by
the Turkish newspapers. This time, the name Talat Enveroviç
Çetin, an Azeri, has come on the agenda in connection with an
investigation into money laundering and trafficking in historical
In October 2015, someone tipped off the Ankara police about
Çetin being involved in efforts to move money from Russia to
Turkey and traffick in historical artifacts. The informant said
that Çetin had met with hacker groups in Istanbul and that they -
Çetin and the hackers - would be following the activities of retired
Turkish General Naci Karakaya.
Gen. Karakaya - just trying to keep busy in retirement.
Within the scope of the public prosecutor's investigation, the homes
of General Karakaya, formerly the commander of the Army Aviation
School, and three other people were searched. Police seized
computers, cellphones and some personal items. General Karakaya
admitted that he had spoken often with Çetin, about whom he said:
"I met him in Russia. He was the deputy commander of the Russian
Interior Ministry's Security Academy and a Lt. General. He was in
Putin's delegation at the G-20 Summit in Antalya."
General Karakaya characterized the accusations against him as
"nonsense". Hürriyet looked into Çetin's activities in Russia and
found that he is not an official of any Russian state element. The
National Security Academy is registered in the Russian Justice
Ministry as a "civil community organization." It is claimed that
Çetin has used the uniforms of Russian security forces and
intelligence services on social media to create an image for himself.
On his personal website, Çetin claims to be "the deputy chief of
the Russian National Security Academy, responsible for international
relations." The website also characterizes Çetin as "a Turkish-origin
Russian citizen living in Russia, who has had training in international
law and economics."
"KGB Talat" hoping to get sequel time.
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