türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Sözcü Newspaper, 5 December 2017)
Paving the way towards marital bliss.
In Amasya, road grader operator Bekir Can (26) made his machine into
a wedding chariot. Can went to pick up his intended bride in the
vehicle he has operated for 6 years, with the Turkish flag draped in
front of it. When bride Duygu Demir saw the vehicle, instead of the
traditional wedding car she expected, she was surprised. Nevertheless
(trooper that she is) Duygu hanım boarded the road grader with the
groom and headed for the wedding hall. Can explained that "this has
been my dream and I've achieved it. Very nicely, at that!"

türkçe links to original Turkish article
(HaberTürk Newspaper, 5 December 2017)
Not quite the marriage proposal Zelal had dreamed about.
In Mersin the day before yesterday, university student Zelal Topçul
(20) was returning home from her uncle's house when a white car
cut off the minibus in which Zelal hanım was riding in the Homurlu
neighborhood of Akdeniz district. Five individuals boarded the
minibus and kidnapped Zelal hanım.
Right away, police began looking for Zelal hanım's cousin Derviş T.
(22), his older brother Nurullah T. (27), friend Savaş Y. (22). Her
father Yusuf Topçul, who came from Mardin to Mersin to find his
daughter, explained that "my daughter went to her uncle's house
for the weekend. These guys planned the kidnapping a day before.
One fellow boarded the minibus and the rest of them came on
after they cut off the vehicle. Then they dragged my daughter off
the bus."
Would-be groom Derviş T. needs to take his game up a notch.
A year ago Derviş T. had asked for Zelal's hand but her father
refused, saying that "my daughter didn't want to get married so I
said she's in school. The matter is closed. Among the kidnappers
were two of Zelal's cousins and the others were friends. Can
happiness be forced? How could I give her to him?!"
Ultimately, police found Zelal at an address in Akdeniz district,
where police took four people into custody. The young girl
said that "he's loved me for 5 years. I think he did what he did
reluctantly and he regrets it. He made a big mistake. Would
that he hadn't done it. But I wasn't harmed at all. I'm fine."

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