türkçe links to original Turkish article
(HaberTürk Newspaper, 28 December 2017)
For a pseudo-doctor, he's quite the operator.
A week ago, Esra B. (42) filed a complaint with the public prosecutor,
saying that a person she had met on social media had defrauded her.
Esra B. explained that a man identifying himself as a "Canadian doctor"
had made contact with her on the internet and "a week ago my phone
broke so he said to me 'I'll get you a new phone.' We went shopping
and he bought a 7,000 TL (about $1,750) phone, paying 1,000 TL in
cash. When I got home, though, the telephone wasn't in my purse."
The police were not at all unfamiliar with the culprit's modus operandi
or description and they went in search of Ferit Ö. (55), who has defrauded
many other women he met on social media by introducing himself as a
"Canadian doctor". Ferit Ö. had gone to jail with a 14 year- 4 month
sentence resulting from convictions in 4 separate cases but, saying he
was ill, Ferit Ö. had been able to take a week's leave (!) from the light-
security prison he was being held in at Silivri, Istanbul.
(Perhaps predictably!) Ferit Ö. did not return to jail after his leave but
was picked up by police in Şişli, Istanbul. He denied Esra B.'s
accusations and claimed that she had dropped her new telephone in
the car. As for Ferit Ö.'s rap sheet, he has convictions for 11 counts
of fraud, two of which involved insincere marriage proposals; 6
robberies; fraudulent use of bank cards and credit cards; electronic
fraud; using a false ID - a total of 26 previous crimes and convictions.
Camera-shy after a long day of shopping with someone else's
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